May 1st is less than 2 months away, which means The Avengers: Age Of Ultronis incredibly close. Marvel has been teasing us for what seems like an eternity, but things are starting to get real, and the third trailer is officially out. If you haven't seen it, go ahead and check it:
There's a lot to take in here. However, these screen caps might do a semi-adequate job at tackling everything that we learn from this trailer. So, without further ado, here's a breakdown of the biggest Internet event of the day/week:
We've got the Avengers before they're truly assembled

An epic money-shot of the Avengers assembled, moving quickly through the snow

Another epic money-shot of the Avengers assembled from a bird's eye view

The Big 3 then confront Ultron and the twins

Quicksilver knocks out Cap? This looks pretty brutal...

There's a little romance hinted at between Hulk and Black Widow

And are THESE Wolverine claws or...? I know that's what they want us to think, but I need to know who these belong to!

Also, did Cap just let this dude sitting in this car fall to his death? WHAT?!

We've got some Cap action with Ultron... he throws his shield at him with some solid force behind it


I thought the best part of this trailer, in my opinion, was Thor talking some smack

Also, if you notice, it looks like the Iron Man suit is much more muscular. Much more cut up and taller.
Check out this side-by-side of the two suits...

Notice a little difference there? Pretty cool.
And one last thing... here's Scarlett Witch giving Black Widow a vision!

I. Am. Ready.
Are you?