Researchers Achieve Establishing 5G Network of 1 Terabit Per Second
Researchers Achieve Establishing 5G Network of 1 Terabit Per Second

According to one British tech site, A team of researchers at the University of Surrey in the UK have developed a wireless data connection that would make even the fastest 4G LTE speeds, seem as slow as a snail.
The researchers dubbed their superfast wireless data connection, 5G. The wireless connection is said to be capable of reaching a data transmission rate of up to 1 terabit per second. Just in case, you are not so good in the data size measurements, here are few things you should know:
1 Terabit = 1,000 Gigabits
1 Gigabit = 1,000 Megabits
1 Megabit = 1,000 Kilobits
The 5G Network established by the team of researchers at the University of Surrey, has a data transmission speed that can reach 1 Terabit per second. With this kind of speed, suppose you want to download the entire series of Heroes (About 15 Gigabits), it will take less than a blink of the eye to do so. Hell, you can even fill your computer’s hard drive with movie and music downloads in less than 1 second, even if you have a 1 Terabit hard disk.
But before you get too excited, you should probably know that the researchers were able to attain these amazing wireless transmission speeds in a controlled environment. The distance between the router and the internet enabled devices was about 100 meters. This is a great feet to achieve, no doubt. But if it were to be commercially rolled out, it will have to address more challenges. Such as blocking and interference from walls, trees, buildings, multiple devices connected to the network and other many challenges.
For those reasons, the 1 terabit per second wireless connection is at least half a decade away. What, seems more practical to wait on is the Samsung’s 7.5 gigabits per second connectionannounced by the company back in October, 2014. The Samsung’s wireless connection can also allow you to download a full HD movie under one second.
The researchers at the University of Surrey have indeed raised the bar higher on the Samsung’s 7.5 Gbps wireless data connection. They are, however, some few years from commercially launching when compared to Samsung. But they are hopeful that they can make the technology ready for the public by 2020.
From a user’s perspective, both Samsung’s and the University of Surrey’s technology could be a game-changer as far as cloud computing is involved. Cloud computing has not become as popular as it can be, simply because a lot of users with a lot of data find their internet connection too slow for storing huge files. With the super fast wireless transmission technology, people will have no excuses for not adopting cloud computing and cloud-based storage.
Unless, of course, when they are roll out commercially, they become too expensive for the majority of users. But as far as wireless data connection is involved across Africa, Kenya to be specific. Our internet service providers, specifically telecom companies like Safaricom, Airtel Kenya, and Orange Kenya, they need first to play catch up on the 3G Network that they purport to offer.